Alerts & favorites are not there on Content

What happened with REBUS last upgrade with content features. The favorites and alerts are not part of the properties. Even without the content, the alerts are not part of the widget properties once they are active.

Correction… Alerts are only there irrespective of content or no content on dashboards only if dashboards have visuals. For Grid there is no alert selection from properties.
Is there a way to set up an daily alert that sends email of a widget with daily grid of KPI to selective email address in REBUS?

Hi Ketan,

This is not a bug but actually the intended functionality. However, we have let the product team know and they will add this functionality to published dashboards in one of our upcoming releases. I will let you know when I get more information on timing!

Thank you for the feedback as always :slight_smile:

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Hi Ketan,

This change is part of the minor release scheduled for next week. We’ll keep you posted.



Thank you. Do we know the date when the fix will be released to fix the favorites and alerts being part of widget properties when widgets are released to dashboard via content?


Hi Ketan,

I don’t have an exact date for you just yet however it should be within the next few weeks. We’ll let you know as soon as the change has been deployed to production.

Thank you,

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Hi Ketan,

The change was deployed last night, you can now add a widget from a published dashboard to your favourites or create an alert.

Thank you,

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Thank you so much. It works now.